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     1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31471441,旱涝急速转换条件下双季超级杂交水稻产量形成机理,2015/01~2018/1279.0万元,已结题,第2完成人

     2. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,31360309,双季超级杂交水稻氮素亏缺补偿效应及其生理机制,2014/01~2017/1252.0万元,已结题,第2完成人

     3. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,30860136,基于作物生长补偿效应的水稻产量稳定性机理研究, 2009/01~2011/1225.0万元,已结题,第2完成人


    (1) 钟蕾, 汤国平, 陈小荣*, 朱昌兰, 贺浩华.旱涝急速转换条件对超级杂交晚稻秧苗素质及叶片内源激素水平的影响. 江西农业大学学报, 38(4): 593~600, 2016

    (2) Qiangqiang Xiong, Lei Zhong, Tianhua Shen, Chaohao Cao, Haohua He* and Xiaorong Chen*. iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic and physiological analysis of the response to N deficiency and the compensation effect in rice. BMC Genomics.2019. 20:681

    (3) Qiangqiang Xiong (#), Guoping Tang (#), Lei Zhong (#), Haohua He, Xiaorong Chen *. Response to Nitrogen Deficiency and Compensation on Physiological, Characteristics, yield Formation and Nitrogen Utilization of Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018.7.24 2018(7)

    (4) Qiangqiang Xiong (#), Chaohao Cao, Tianhua Shen, Lei Zhong, HaoHua He * , Xiaorong Chen*. Comprehensive metabolomic and proteomic analysis in biochemical metabolic pathways of rice spikes under drought and submergence stress. BBA - Proteins and Proteomics, 2019.1.2 2019(1867)

    (5) Qiang-Qiang Xiong (#) , Tian-Hua Shen, Lei Zhong, Chang-Lan Zhu, Xiao-SongPeng, Xiao-Peng He, Jun-Ru Fu, Lin-Juan Ouyang, Jian-Min Bian, Li-Fang Hu, Xiao-Tang Sun, Jie Xu,  Hui-Ying Zhou, Hao-Hua He *, Xiao-Rong Chen * . Comprehen sive metabolomic, proteomic and physiological analyses of grain yield reduction in rice under abrupt drought-flood alternation stress. Physiologia Plantarum, 2019.2.10 2019(2)

    (6) Qiangqiang Xiong(#), Yan Deng(#), Lei Zhong(#), Haohua He, Xiaorong Chen*. Effects of Drought-Flood Abrupt Alternation on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Rice. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology , 2018.5.20 2018(5)

     (7) 钟蕾(主编),程建峰(副主编),何永明(副主编),刘栋,蒋海燕,汤丽梅,赵宝珍. 植物生理学综合设计实验教程.北京:中国农业出版社,2012.06
