刘栋,男,1982年1月生,山西大同人,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,江西省植物生理学会理事,江西农业大学第四批特聘岗位 —“未来之星”。2010年毕业于南开大学生命科学学院,获植物学专业理学博士学位,2011年起任教于pg娱乐电子游戏官网植物生理教研室,2016年晋升副教授,讲授《植物生理学》、《植物生理生化》和《高级植物生理学》等理论和实验课程。参编《植物生理学》和《植物生理学综合设计实验教程》2部。目前主要从事植物叶绿体发育与抗逆分子机制的研究,主持国家自然科学基金2项、江西省自然科学基金1项和江西省教育厅科学基金1项,以第一作者/通讯作者在Journal of Experimental Botany和Plant Science等学术期刊发表SCI科研论文9篇,以第一发明人申请/授权国家发明专利6项。担任BMC Plant Biology和Annals of Botany等国际SCI学术期刊的审稿人。
4、江西省教育厅科学基金项目:拟南芥cpSec(chloroplast secretory)类囊体腔蛋白双转运系统的研究(批准号:GJJ12243),2012-2014年
1、Yi J#, Zhao DM#, Chu JF, Yan JJ, Liu JS, Wu MJ, Cheng JF, Jiang HY, Zeng YJ, Liu D*. AtDPG1 is involved in the salt stress response of Arabidopsis seedling through ABI4. Plant Science, 2019, 287: 110180. (SCI, #Co-first authors, *Corresponding author)
2、Wu MJ, Lv XL, Zhou YJ, Zeng YJ, Liu D*. High anthocyanin accumulation in an Arabidopsis mutant defective in chloroplast biogenesis. Plant Growth Regulation, 2019, 87: 433-444. (SCI, *Corresponding author)
3、Liu D*, Li WC, Cheng JF. The novel protein DELAYED PALE-GREENING1 is required for early chloroplast biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 25742. (SCI, *Corresponding author)
4、Liu D*, Li WC, Cheng JF, Hou L. AtPGK2, a member of PGKs gene family in Arabidopsis, has a positive role in salt stress tolerance. Plant Cell, Tissue, Organ and Culture, 2015, 120: 251-262. (SCI, *Corresponding author)
5、Liu D*, Wu ZM, Hou L. Loss-of-function mutation in SCY1 triggers chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biologia Plantarum, 2015, 59: 469-476. (SCI, *Corresponding author)
6、Liu D*, Li WC, Cheng JF, Hou L. Expression analysis and functional characterization of a cold-responsive gene COR15A from Arabidopsis thaliana. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2014, 36: 2421-2432. (SCI, *Corresponding author)
7、Liu D*, Hou L, Li WC, Cheng JF, Fu YQ. COR15B expression is affected by chloroplast functionality, and its function in response to salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biologia Plantarum, 2014, 58: 667-675. (SCI, *Corresponding author)
8、Liu D#, Liu S#, Chang D, Wang L, Wang D*, Wang NN*. A simple and efficient method for obtaining transgenic soybean callus tissues. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013, 35: 2113-2125. (SCI, #Co-first authors, *Co-corresponding authors)
9、Liu D#, Gong QQ#, Ma YY, Li PL, Li JP, Yang SH, Yuan LL, Yu YQ, Pan DD, Xu F, Wang NN*. cpSecA, a thylakoid protein translocase subunit, is essential for photosynthetic development in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2010, 61: 1655-1669. (SCI, #Co-first authors, *Corresponding authors)
10、刘栋, 郑雨轩, 曾勇军, 赵东鸣, 马利霞. 一种增强植物花青素含量的拟南芥AtGLK1基因及其应用, 2020年, 专利申请号: 202010926504.1. (发明专利)
11、刘栋, 吴美佳, 吕晓琳, 马利霞, 程建峰. 一种降低氧化胁迫诱导植物花青素积累的方法, 2018, 专利申请号: 201810566485.9. (发明专利)
12、刘栋, 李卫春, 马利霞, 程建峰. 一种盐胁迫诱导的植物叶片特异性启动子及其应用, 2014, 专利授权号: ZL201410358405.2. (发明专利)
13、刘栋, 李卫春, 马利霞, 程建峰. 一种增强植物耐盐性的拟南芥AtPGK2基因及其应用, 2014, 专利授权号: ZL201410358406.7. (发明专利)
14、刘栋, 李卫春, 马利霞, 程建峰, 候玲. 一种拟南芥花器官特异性启动子及其应用, 2013, 专利授权号: ZL201310540694.3. (发明专利)
15、刘栋, 李卫春, 马利霞, 程建峰, 候玲. 一种兼具植物地上组织器官和光诱导特异性启动子及其应用, 2013, 专利授权号: ZL201310540693.9. (发明专利)